Beyond Freddo's point - I do not believe there would be the slightest difference if you substituted the name Mickey Mouse with the name Jehovah.
Tell me how you could possibly know the difference?
i've been thinking this for a while.
even before the arc scandal.
it seems no matter what, the org.
Beyond Freddo's point - I do not believe there would be the slightest difference if you substituted the name Mickey Mouse with the name Jehovah.
Tell me how you could possibly know the difference?
l thought it might be a good idea to have a quick reference post to remind people of the faults within the jw org.what do others think.
They make their members feel good for cultivating unjustified faith in the untrustworthy Catholic Bible.
They make their members feel good for cultivating faith in faith.
They make their members feel good for believing that God has chosen the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses as his exclusive channel...when they have no evidence to show that they are his channel.
In fact because of the repeated failure of their Bible-based predictions, it must be evident to all that God if he were to exist, is not interested in the WTBTS .
in my former indoctrinated state, i used to yearn for a time when all the world would be jws.
but hang on minute, let's just think about what the world would be like if everyone was a jw,.
first of all, no higher education, so no medical advances, no scientific research, no modern day medicine, infectious disease rife, no doctors, no engineers, so no modern day comforts.
Good thought Island man. If all the world were JWs, and thank goodness it can never happen, the leaders would become empowered to rule with unchecked tyranny in a stale and regressive dystopia.
The personal beliefs and whims of the GB would be the universal rule which would not countenance private thought and natural human activities and impulses. Suicide would become the main way of escaping this false paradise.
Fortunately the JW org will not withstand the scrutiny offered by modern internet technology and they will never succeed in the new scientifically connected world to promote their abusive and misguided "Bible-based" ignorance.
The Roman Church tried such a paradise back in the Dark Ages.... which is where this idea belongs.
i was at a concert last night and the presence and stature of the piano struck me.
and i thought: if the piano wasn't invented when it was, would it have been invented by someone else instead?
or if there was a world the same as our, except with a different history, would it have pianos now too or would it be modern world, similar in many respects, only without pianos?
I agree with you Terry, I would add that “inevitability” is an uncompromising absolute. The creation of the piano is an expediency as mentioned, to better fit the needs of composers and to improve beyond the limitations of note sustainability and modulation of sound over the mechanically plucked strings of earlier keyboard instruments.
Are humans inevitable? (which question may have prompted your asking about pianos?) No! Nevertheless a bipedal mammal with the ability to nurture their young for a long time might use culturally communicated intelligence to survive the predations of hungry large cats. Gorilla sapiens possibly or Pan sapiens, et al.
The species of piano similarly has been the result of a selection process but chosen by ‘ear’ and not by ‘natural selection.’
Incidentally, since the name ‘piano’ is an abbreviation of ‘piano forte’ meaning ‘soft-loud’ in Italian; have you ever thought what actually is the instrument in question...a soft/loud what?
what is the point of supporting a belief which began as a bronze age ox-headed idol called yahweh... in a religion designed for illiterate peasants now appropriated by a money-driven cult with a one hundred and forty six year unbroken record of total failure of its bible based predictions?.
What is the point of supporting a belief which began as a Bronze Age ox-headed idol called Yahweh... in a religion designed for illiterate peasants now appropriated by a money-driven cult with a one hundred and forty six year unbroken record of total failure of its bible based predictions?
in the last few weeks it seems that instead of one or two new posters a week we seem to be getting several every day.
many seem to be long time jw's who are troubled by the path of the organisation.
this is really encouraging to those of us who have been here sometime.. welcome!
As Aude Sapere says the attendance relates to the downsized congregations consolidated into fewer Kingdom Hells.
The stream increasing from a trickle refers to new people posting on this site, which is not necessarily a decline in JW numbers. Even if they were still leaving at the same rate as before; there are fewer baptized and even much fewer still joining from the outside to replace those departing.
I wonder however that in among the increase here, there might be one or two posting to test the resilience and effectiveness of this site. JWHQ would be interested in what we say to counter their propaganda so as to configure a response.
I'm thinking of posters like InsidetheKH for example.
having spent at least 20 million years acquiring the machinery to survive on dry land and hundreds of millions more diversifying and exploiting every conceivable niche, a number of landlubbers made their way back to the sea.. among these were pond snails, water spiders, water beetles, crocodiles, otters, sea snakes, water shrews, galapagos flightless cormorants, marine iguanas, penguins and turtles.
of course the most impressive example of all are the whales and their little cousins the dolphins.
these have gone all the way back to an aquatic existence as have dugongs and their close cousins the manatees jointly known as the sirenians, they don’t even come ashore to breed.
Sowhatnow, in the absence of maestro Cofty, may I say that polar bears and humans are new kids on the block geologically speaking.
We have evidence for Homo sapiens around 100,000 years before present (bp). We have indications for H sapiens existing fifty thousand years before that and therefore it would be assumed in the nature of things that Humans arrived on the scene perhaps more than 200,000 years bp.
The real expansion took place around 40,000 bp when recognizably human cultural artifacts become abundant, things such as spear throwers, bows and arrows, bull roarers, boomerangs, complex stone tools and sewing. This was the start of cave paintings in the Dordogne in France. These people are called Cro Magnon ('Big hole' in translation from the first find location) yet these humans although looking just like us actually had skulls thicker than ours and yet only forty thousand years ago.
i'm not sure if you ever share analytics data.. but i've been noticing a trend.
it seems that every time a new jw broadcast, we get a seeming increase in new members the week after.. does the data show that?.
After the demise of the magazine page (and the profits which went with them) the GB turned to the Satanic Internet for salvation.
Alas!............... the Watchtower organisation had appeared plausible to many when written about on the page... but seeing rather than imagining the GB and Santa's little helpers, is embarrassing. Surely this is the harsh reality; it is the visual experience of the Watchtower dystopia which shows exactly what the org is all about. Is this the paradise governance? Are these men your bosses forever? Heaven forfend!
Had I seen Flodin's crummy demonstration when I was a doubting JW, I know it would have been the last straw for me. Is Flodin an undercover apostate? His manner is that of a man who has had a lobotomy... (the others seem to have various incisions into the temporal lobes).
Was he subversively telling fellow doubters to "Use your loaf"? Keep up the good work Brother Flodin.
having spent at least 20 million years acquiring the machinery to survive on dry land and hundreds of millions more diversifying and exploiting every conceivable niche, a number of landlubbers made their way back to the sea.. among these were pond snails, water spiders, water beetles, crocodiles, otters, sea snakes, water shrews, galapagos flightless cormorants, marine iguanas, penguins and turtles.
of course the most impressive example of all are the whales and their little cousins the dolphins.
these have gone all the way back to an aquatic existence as have dugongs and their close cousins the manatees jointly known as the sirenians, they don’t even come ashore to breed.
in the last few weeks it seems that instead of one or two new posters a week we seem to be getting several every day.
many seem to be long time jw's who are troubled by the path of the organisation.
this is really encouraging to those of us who have been here sometime.. welcome!